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Features In A Glance

Tidal Wave is an incredibly easy automation libray full of powerful features. It will do all the heavy lifting enabling you to focus more on test designs.

. Developed by test automation engineers
    - A library developed to solve test automation challenges
. Easy set up
    - You can start test automation in 10 minutes.
. Intelligent element detection
    - Finds the right element from similar elements.
. Built in security for passwords
    - Passwords are kept secure using encryption.
. No complext scripting
    - Junior/Intermediate level automation testers only needed.
. Can handle complex elements
    - Built in methods to handle complex elements.                         
. Auto Iframe Switching
    - The framework will identify and switch to the right Iframe where the element is.
. Stable runs
    - Automation synchronization issues handled through the framework.
. Text based element detection
    - Find the right element from a simple text.
. Supports major browsers
    - Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
. Built in retry option
    - Will attempt multiple retries until the element is found.
. Customizable wait times
    - Fine grained custom waits can be applied for very slow loading elements.        
. Debug mode
. Slow run mode to analyse runs