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Future Releases

Under Test Snapshot Version

This snapshot version may get updates and the new experimental functions under test could change without notice. No backward compatibility would be provided for these new functions.

  1. Table data scraping function (Under development. No API provided).

  2. Advanced debug mode.

  3. waitFor for findAll has been limited to expected conditions.

  4. RetryIf conditions can remember all sequential actions even when they repeat.

Current - Version 1.3.1

New release




implementation group: 'io.github.tidal-code', name: 'wave', version: '1.3.0'

Added keyboard multi interaction function.

New FluentRquest class for API requests.

Version 1.3.0

Added slow run mode and debug mode.

New upload file by drag and drop function has been added. find("element").uploadFileByDragAndDrop("file name");

New page refresh function has been added.
find("element").doPageRefresh(MaxTime, IntervalTime);

BugFixes: Fixed nullpointer exception for certain user interaction scenarios.

Version 1.2.9

Added functions to find first(), last() and skipFirst() from a collection

Bug Fixes: Element finder scripts iframe iterator had an issue which would cause it not to find the right iframe, the element contains. The issue has been identified and fixed.

Version 1.2.8

Changed assertion type for test failures to reflect correct failure types in Allure reporting.

Version 1.2.7

Internal changes only.
Change in Element finder class to use CommandContext class to pass more information about element to be found.

Version 1.2.4 to 1.2.6

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Version 1.2.3

Part 2 of core scripts refactoring to increase execution speed.

Version 1.2.2

Part 1 of core scripts refactoring to increase execution speed.

Version 1.2.1

Fixed a bug with getText, that may cause a nullpointer exception.

Version 1.2.0

  1. Reverted from Selenium Manager to WedDriver Manager due to preformance issues.
  2. Iframe iteration is optimised to increase test execution speed. Old IframeHandler is now deprecated.

Version 1.1.0

Added custom expectation failure message.


find("#invisibleElement").expecting(toBePresent).orElseFail("The element expected to be present, but failed to fulfill the condition");

This would cause an assertion failure with the custom message given.

Version 1.0.1

Upgrade to native Selenium Manager from WebDriver Manager.

Selenium has integrated Boni García’s WebDriver manager to the core Selenium library.

Version 1.0.0

Initial version release.